Saturday, January 26, 2013

Looking for Help with Unusual Brass Type

I have several drawers of an unusual brass type; odd in its not being "type high" for use in a standard KwikPrint. It's short, with base to top height of about 1/4": 17/64, or 6.65 mm. Since it won't work in my usual machines, I made a typeholder by mounting a multi-line pallet from the Kensol sideways on a metal block. Can anyone tell me more about this type or supply a picture of the original typeholder?

1 comment:

Lena H said...

I have lots of those and use them in my Geba, guildingmachine, from 1957.

I bought it from an old bookbindery in Sweden. It is not easy to tell what I do in english, but I will try. I use them for titels. I glue them on a paper with sqwares and then I use some kind of chliché glue to put the paper directly to the heat plate in the middle of the machine. I have 128 drawers with different types, that looks like and measured the same as you show on this picture. I can send you some photos if you send me your mail adress

kind regards